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Overall Group Performance
While each of the Group’s core business faced different obstacles and challenges over the past several years, each was able to
weather the storm, emerging financially and operationally stronger. Despite market uncertainties, Hutchison has increased
dividend payments for the second year in a row, driving shareholder’s recurring earnings per share to a new high.
Overall, as the Group settles into 2012, it will continue to invest in increased productivity and cost efficiency, as well as in
selective expansion of its global footprint.
The Group’s infrastructure division, Cheung Kong
Infrastructure (CKI) made headlines with a handful
of major acquisitions over the past few years and
achieved the highest profit in the company’s history in 2011.
CKI acquired Northumbrian Water, which operates water and
sewerage businesses in England and Wales, in October 2011.
It also acquired Electricité de France (EDF) United Kingdom's
electricity networks, which was renamed UK Power Networks
Holdings Limited, the UK's largest electricity distributor
covering London, South East England and the East of England
in 2010. These acquisitions provided substantive positive profit
contributions, resulting in a very significant increase in CKI’s
reported revenue, a growth of 67 per cent.
CKI, listed in Hong Kong in 1996, is now a leading player
in the global infrastructure arena with businesses in Hong Kong,
the UK, Mainland China, Australia, New Zealand and Canada.
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