HWL companies around the world are constantly looking to improve operational efficiencies and reduce their impact on the environment through various initiatives.
Below is a snapshot of some of the activities that the businesses of the Group engaged in across the globe.
Energy Efficiency
For the past several years, HWL rolled out a worldwide IT initiative to help reduce paper usage. HWL’s Head Office continues its energy saving improvements and has once again reduced electricity consumption by several per cent. A video conference suite called “Telepresence” implemented in strategic global offices lowered the need of airplane travel by management and the corresponding carbon emissions, while maintaining the benefits of face-to-face meetings. Telepresence has helped save management from taking 779 flights last year.
Around the world, operating companies are continuously making their operations and logistic chains as energy efficient as possible. The infrastructure and energy divisions have comprehensive energy efficiency programmes to monitor and improve their performance.
Pollution Prevention and Emissions Reduction
Many of the Group’s operating companies, especially those in the infrastructure and energy portfolios, have detailed plans and metrics to reduce pollution and emissions. Their ESG and Sustainability reports are available on their websites.
Environmental Sustainability
Across the Group and in every industry, safeguarding natural resources and reducing wastage are part of our culture. Our colleagues have participated in different programmes with partners as well as initiated some internally to best save resources for future generations. We highlight some of the programmes taking place around the world:
- Hutchison Port Holdings Limited (“HPH”) and leading port operators joined hands in a global environmental initiative, “Recycling Begins & Ends With You”. It is the first such high level cooperation amongst the global port operators on an environmental initiative.
- In Hong Kong, HK Electric launched the “Smart Power Fund” to subsidise owners of residential buildings on energy efficiency enhancement works.
- In Hong Kong, Hutchison Whampoa Properties Estate Management companies organised recycling and promoted green lifestyle programmes to their residents.
- UK Power Networks conducted a range of cutting-edge trials in London to help cut the city’s carbon emissions. The results will help millions of people across the UK if the energy industry introduces them widely.
- In Rotterdam, the Netherlands, AVR-Afvalverwerking B V is helping reduce an estimated 70 to 80 kilotons of carbon dioxide annually by providing heat to the city from their waste-to-energy plant.
Protection of the Environment and Natural Habitats
Protecting natural habitats for future generations is also an important part of many Group companies’ initiatives.
Some of these programmes are detailed below:
- In 2014, Northumbrian Water Group’s nature focus is helping protect and conserve the environment on a landscape scale. Northrumbian Water supported many landscape scale projects through the Branchout fund and show what can be done to protect and enhance habitats and wildlife.
- In Canada, Husky Energy Inc (“Husky Energy”) partnered with Earth Rangers and the Calgary Zoo to help children better understand the ecology and biodiversity of Canada’s wild animals and support endangered species.
- In China, Yantian International Container Terminals (“YICT”), with Yantian Port Group, released over 570,000 fingerlings into the neighbouring Mirs Bay.